About Us

In 2006 I was thinking about how I could raise money for a ministry goal that I have. I did not think I could work a second job. The thought of a book came to my mind and with that 50 ideas for different pages. I could do a book. It was my beautician, Patty Koch, who knew of an artist. Shannon Wirrenga and I started working together. My dad passed away in the beginning of 2008. Mom said that we should buy one thing as a remembrance. I wanted a book. A lawyer made an agreement between Shannon and myself. Family members have been a big help by writing instructions, doing a Spanish version, video taping, crafting, photographing, and technical support. The book was finished and copyrighted in 2009.

Why Holy Handiwork?

--because of the time spent with kids talking about God and His ways

-- because some personalities (kinetic and choleric) gain more learning or have better feelings by doing or having done something (the sense of accomplishment)

-- because you can praise a child for what they have made building self-esteem

-- because images direct our thinking having Godly images in the home helps to keep our minds on the things of God Example: Praying Hands will cause us to think about prayer and that could cause us to pray more.

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